IIoT and Automation
Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest wave of the technological revolution that we are witnessing in the digital era. Internet of Things has succeeded in providing a telescopic as well as a microscopic perspective of the world between people, machine and objects, which was not visible previously.
Objects, both physical and tangible, can now be tagged with the required information through internet connectivity and permeated with a connection between the individual data that can result into an accumulation of bigger level of information and knowledge.
The freedom of connecting such things to internet and gaining an unparalleled control of them is the highest state of advantage in itself.
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) emphasizes on the use of smart sensors and actuators to enhance the efficiency of manufacturing and industrial processes.
IIoT utilizes the power of smart sensors installed on machines and real-time analytics to take advantage of the data that the dumb machines have produced in the industrial setting.
IIoT is real, it is happening as you read. With more tech-centric world anticipated on the cards, IIoT is beginning to change quests in the way people will purchase, sell and do marketing.
IIoT for Pune Techtrol
IIoT is transforming the way industrial companies operate in day-to-day lives. Application of IIoT concepts shall benefit industries by way of reduction of human errors and manual labor, increase in overall efficiency and reduction of costs.
Keeping control of level of liquids and solids by using level measuring instruments even from a remote reach is now possible with IIoT techniques.
Precise monitoring of inventory can lead to better management of the products and analysis of related data can result in direct economic benefits.
Pune Techtrol, have ushered into IIoT with formation of a new segment of Wireless Monitoring systems with Internet of Things technology which will enable association of Man-Material-Machines with each other to gain Maximum productivity & Efficiency.
This system will enable to:
- Capture data from machines
- Analyze the data and convey insights to operators
- Afford quicker and smarter decisions
- Help minimize costs
- Optimize supply chain management and distribution
- Evolve Integrate and Improve operational strategies.
Needlessly, IIoT is a major game-changer for Pune Techtrol. The ‘Industry 4’ revolution in the industrial sector has opened up a lot of opportunities.
Most of those leading towards a future that one can’t do without IIoT. With cyber-physical systems that will help monitor the processes of the machines, making automated decisions way easier and seamlessly predictive.
This ends up with saving a lot of time and effort, and results into a quality operation altogether. IIoT based liquid level monitoring systems enable the level measurement of any liquid and monitoring it continuously over the internet.
Internet of Things is revolutionizing and converting the world into a smarter place. From taking intelligent decisions to performing smart actions, machines/processes can now be controlled with minimum efforts. IIoT collects data from the plant floor and generates real time KPIs and metrics to make better data-driven decisions.
IIoT allows you to build and train machine learning models in the cloud and deploy it into the industrial environment for local operation. IIoT provides capabilities for getting large and diverse fleets of devices quickly connected. Once the devices are on-board, IIoT can be used to rapidly build IIoT applications.
IIoT also allows continuous monitoring of data from the equipment and fleets of devices deployed across many locations. When there is downtime in production process, IIoT can collect data with the intermittent cloud connectivity. IIoT keeps the devices and device data secure with built-in device authentication and authorization, data encryption, and access control.
An extremely bright future awaits IIoT in all sectors of industry, and even in marketing, education, research, medicine etc.
For Pune Techtrol, belief in their research team, will open up new opportunities in the field of IIoT, Pune Techtrol is confident that smart manufacturing concepts such as data analytics, collaborative robotics, and AR and VR on the shop floor will succeed to enable seamless operations.
Hybrid and smart machines will unlock benefits for both the workers as well as the floor managers so as to ensure better productivity. Many changes in the digital arena are also taking place that will take away a lot of human efforts and resolve efficiency challenges.