RADAR Level Transmitters Are Imperative for Consistent and Accurate Level Measurements of Solid Materials
Inaccurate level measurement leads to dangerously low or high levels in silos/vessels. While low level causes damage to the equipment, high-level results in overflow and safety issues.
RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging) as a concept is still undergoing innovative changes in the level measurement applications in industry. RADAR helps in detecting objects in its range by achieving a reflection of electromagnetic waves emitting from the device and calculates the exact time delay of reflection and translates the reading into level measurement. Radar level transmitters are recommended for continuous level measurement of solid level such stones, granules, fly ash, flakes and powders due to its various benefits such as versatility, high safety even when subjected to extreme pressure and temperature.
The non-contact level radar transmitters are available in frequency band of 26 GHz and recent of 80 GHz, based on FMCW radar principle. It detects reflected signal with time delayed frequency and this frequency difference is used to measure level accurately. FMCW radar has several advantages over pulse radar as-
- Better reflection separation
- Reliable noise reduction
- Smaller beam angle
- Fewer disturbing reflections
- Smaller antenna diameter for same measuring range
The 26 GHz radar transmitter ‘INTROL’, RB & RC series having accuracy upto 3 mm and beam angle (5 degree min) are used for large storage silos upto 100 mtrs range. They are available in horn type metallic antenna or drop antenna made up of PP / PTFE. Specially designed unique shape of drop antenna is ideal for dusty environment of solid level measurement, where the conventional horn radar requires costly air purging system. They are suitable for max temperature upto 250 degree C and pressure of 100 bar.
RD series, high frequency (80 GHz) radar comes with small beam angle (4 degree) and non-intrusive PEEK antenna. They are ideal for very high silos, hoppers or containers of bulk material with narrow inlets and can be used in dusty environment. With its non-intrusive antenna and small beam angle, it is advantageous as it enables to avoid obstructions in tanks and vessels.
Benefits of using radar transmitter over other level measurement technologies:
- Accurate (2mm) and reliable level measurement with large signal to noise ratio even in the process with fast changing levels.
- Unaffected by the angle of repose due to narrow beam angle
- Suitable for dusty environment and changing process conditions in silo
- Suits low dielectric services (Dielectric Constant >1.1)
- Non- contact type, no moving parts – minimal maintenance or recalibration
- Top mounted, easy to install and retrofit
- Easy to configure using HART o/p
- Built-in surface profile configurations prevents false readings due to obstacles in tank.
Pune Techtrol is wellknown brand for its versatile range of quality level measuring instruments and process automation system alongwith IIoT based monitoring systems.