Using Level Switches for Waste Water Management
Looking at the blueish tint of the globe, one might as well say, that water is everywhere, why so much fuss about saving it, preserving it, managing it? But, as per the statistics already established in our previous blog, the availability of fresh water is decreasing and the need for preserving water with applications such as waste water management is increasing.
Pune Techtrol Pvt. Ltd., the leading manufacturer and supplier of level measurement and control instruments, had figured out this importance of waste water management since its inception in 1984.
In reference to the importance of waste water management, Mr. Mayank Khatan, Director of Operations at Pune Techtrol Pvt. Ltd., says “If third world war is at all to going to take place in future, it will be ‘water war.’ War for ‘drinking water.’ Save water, treat and recycle water, to save human race.”
This is one of the main reasons why PuneTechtrol Pvt. Ltd. is contributing actively to the process of waste water management. Since the beginning of the company, it has time and again innovated and added on to the list of instruments which can be used in noble applications like waste water management.
A very useful feature of “Techtrol” instruments is that there is wide choice of Material Of Construction (MOC) for all the instruments to suit specific requirements of the medium or liquid whose level is to be measured, detected or monitored. Thus a wide range of level control switches is available, which can be used in various phases of waste water management at various places in the waste water management plant.
Pune Techtrol’s level measurement and control switches useful in waste water management include Float Guided Switch (FGS), Displacer Switch (DS), Cable Suspended Switch (FTS), Conductivity Type Switch (CNS), Float Pivoted Switch (FPS) and Miniature Float Switch (MFPS/MFGS).
Float Guided Switch (FGS) is single or multipoint level switch used for in clarifier and aeration tank. These switching contacts can be used for alarm indication or pump control. Displacer Switch (DS) is more suited for application in clear effluent and potable water. Switching points rated for 5A, 250VAC and can be adjusted at site as required. Cable Suspended Switch (FTS) is a simplest type switch and easy to install. These switching contacts are rated for 5A, 250VAC and can be used for alarm indication or pump control and are ideally suitable for application in settling tanks. Conductivity Type Switch (CNS) is used only for conductive liquids. It can be used for treated & potable water. More suitable in applications where the depth of tank is large. Float Pivoted Switch (FPS) is side mounted, single point switch rated for 5A, 250VAC. It is suitable for over ground tanks. Miniature Float Switch (MFPS/MFGS) is used for level detection in small /medium tanks.
For further information on level measurement and control instruments, contact our experts on +91-20-66342900 or mail us at