Waste water management the required way out
For the rapidly growing human population, the availability of so called abundant natural resources is shrinking; and the case of water is no different! Pune Techtrol Pvt. Ltd., the leading manufacturer of level measurement and control instruments, has always recognized the importance of preserving the environment and has believed in contributing to this noble cause.
It is a known fact that human beings can use and consume only fresh water. While three-fourth of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, only three percent of it is fresh; and seventy percent of this three percent is locked up in the ice caps of Antarctic and Arctic regions.
What remains, is to be used by the entire human population of seven billion for their ever increasing needs, and habitual wastage. Also, interestingly or let’s say unfortunately, around ninety percent of fresh water that is consumed, goes down the drains as waste water. Industries, which are increasing continuously in numbers, create lots of harmful pollutants that get mixed with water. The rate at which human beings are bidding farewell to water in the form of waste is indeed alarming. The day isn’t far when the value of water will be higher than that of gold.
Thus, arises the dire need of waste water management. Waste water treatment is the process of removing contaminants from waste water and making it reusable for all purposes. Processing of waste water is important with regards to the need of environment preservation in the current times. Waste water, if allowed to flow untreated, can play havoc not only with humans, but also with crops, forests and wild life as well. Hence treatment of waste water or effluent is increasingly becoming vital for survival of human race and the environment.
The level measurement and control instruments manufactured andsupplied by Pune Techtrol Pvt. Ltd. are widely used in the processes of waste water treatment. These level instruments are mainly classified into level gauges, level switches and level transmitters. The applications of these level instruments in waste water management is further explored in the upcoming blogs.
For further information on level measurement and control instruments, contact our experts on +91-20-66342900 or mail us at ho@punetechtrol.com