Level Automation of Concrete Mixer Silo at Green Building Products
Preset concrete blocks are now used in masonry construction in many multi storage buildings. They are made from a mixture of cement, sand and gravel, which are blended together for fixed time in a planetary or drum mixer. After blending, fixed amount of water is added to it along with admixture chemicals and coloring pigments. This slurry type mixture is taken further for molding process.
The mixing process of slurry is very turbulent and requires accurate automation of start-stop of inlet pump to maintain optimum level and prevent overflow of processed material. This is not possible if done manually, as was the case at Green Building Products. Besides wastage of processed slurry, considerable man-hours were consumed in cleanup operation.
Taking into consideration of all the operating conditions and process requirements, the conventional measuring instruments would have been tedious and inappropriate. Techtrol designed customized level automation system. It comprises non-contact ultrasonic transmitter-Microflex DB and Techtrol Indicator Controller with required control logic.
The transmitter is configured with its advanced software in such a way that the rotation of the stirrer and turbulence in the slurry does not affect the actual level measurement and automation system provides accurate control action of the pump.
The transmitter is working extremely well without manual interference, since installed from October 2019 and next order of 4 no transmitters are to be dispatched soon for same application.

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Level Automation of Concrete Mixer Silo at Green Building Products
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