Pune Techtrol Streamlines Waste Water Treatment for Mumbai Municipal Corporation
In townships, wastewater treatment plants use bar screens at the preliminary stage to remove and filter large floating impurities like rags, plastics and metals to prevent clogging and damage to downstream equipment and pumps.
The central waste water treatment plant of Mumbai Municipals Corporation manages and treat the huge amount of waste water, discharged from the highest populated city. At its primary filtration stage, they were using manually operated bar screen which was often not foolproof.
We have provided a solution through ‘Techtrol Differential Level Control System’ to automate the manual operation of bar screen. The system consists of two ultrasonic transmitters installed on upstream & downstream side of bar screento measure their respective levels and transmit 4-20 mA to Differential Level Controller, which calculates level difference through its built-in software to initiate bar screen operation at specified set point.
Since 2013 the system has been working successfully. The solution resulted in greater efficiency and savings. This innovative solution has also been adopted at numerous installations in sewage treatment plants all over India.

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