Smart monitoring and control of effluent discharge using non contact type ultrasonic open channel flow measurement
The textile, paper, pharmaceutical and chemical industries consume large quantities of water mixed with chemicals for their manufacturing processes. This generates a huge quantity of effluents containing pollutants & contaminants. As per Government regulation, effluents have to be treated by ETP plants to reduce their toxicity before discharge. Moreover, the discharged flow has to be monitored and restricted within safe limits for environment protection.
Pune Techtrol is a leading supplier of measurement and automation systems for liquids and solids. Their products are recognized for quality and reliability while providing optimal performance.
The Problem
The Grasim Industries at Harihar in Karnataka has a facility of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) plant, where the waste fluids are treated before it is discharged. They were looking for a reliable solution to monitor the treated effluents and ensure that discharged waste fluids are within permissible limits.
The Solution
For the above application, we have provided a solution through Techtrol ‘Open Channel Flow Measurement System’.
The solution package includes the selection of a Cut-Throat Flume, an Ultrasonic Transmitter and a Flow Indicator-cum-Totalizer. The transmitter installed on the flume measured the head height of the discharged effluent and transmitted 4-20mA to the indicator, which electronically converted the head height into flow rate and totalized flow with its built-in software. The retransmission output of the indicator is used for remote monitoring and controlled discharge.
Our system outlined hereunder is working satisfactorily since installed. We have executed similar turnkey jobs for the monitoring of effluents in Paper & Chemical industries.

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